Protecting our business - and your data

February 28, 2019

Just about every business in the world today is a potential target for cybercrime. At Craig International we take this risk extremely seriously, not just for the security of our own organisation, but on behalf of the hundreds of customer and supplier companies who rely on us.

According to the Government, 80% of cyber attacks can be prevented by security controls. We’d like to think we can go further, so we’re working to achieve as close to 100% security as possible. We’re currently aiming for ISO27001 accreditation - the global standard in information asset security - and we’ve just achieved Cyber Essentials certification.

Cyber Essentials identifies fundamental controls and demonstrates how we’re protected against viruses and malware - it’s a major step on the road to full accreditation. To qualify, we were assessed by PGI Strontium, a leading global specialist certified by GCHQ.