Modern Slavery Statement



This is the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement for Craig International Limited for the financial year ending 30 April 2024. This statement is made pursuant to s.54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This has been approved by the board of directors of Craig International Limited.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 creates offences in respect of slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking ("Modern Slavery"). Craig International Limited is committed to combatting all forms of Modern Slavery.

About Us

Craig International Limited ("Craig International") delivers procurement services for the oil and gas industry.

Craig International recognises that Modern Slavery is not an issue confined to businesses based in higher risk jurisdictions and it recognises, in particular, the risks that arise from the use of migrant labour and global supply chains.

Our Policies and Procedures

In the financial year ending 30 April 2024, Craig International had the following policies, procedures and accreditations in place:

  • An Ethics Policy focused on Craig International values of respect, trust and integrity.
  • Due diligence questionnaires that assessed suppliers and third parties across a range of compliance criteria including questions on specific Modern Slavery risk areas.
  • Contractual terms that required compliance with various supplier codes of conduct.

Craig International Limited will continue to review the effectiveness of the measures we have taken to further improve our policies, procedures and other measures in respect of Modern Slavery.

Jill MacDonald
Craig International Limited