International Women's Day: Q&A with Zydel Maambong, credit controller/manager for Dubai and Houston at Craig International

March 08, 2024

We're carrying on with our celebration of International Women’s Day with a Q&A with Zydel Maambong.

Zydel is our Credit Controller/Manager for Dubai and Houston and despite only being part of the company for two years, Zydel has been a key player in driving significant progress within the credit team.

As a result of the impact she has made, we have helped to facilitate her relocation to Houston. Speaking with Zydel, she highlighted how the organisation and her location are working to inspire inclusion.

What has been your career progression with the company:

I joined Craig International in 2022 as a credit controller for our Houston and Dubai operations and because of the volume of transactions and growth of the American business, for the past year I’ve focussed on our Houston operations, and I’ve worked in the USA. We recently applied for my VISA, so I hope to be moving to Houston very soon. This is an exciting part of my journey.

Management has valued the changes I have made and the processes I have laid out, which have benefitted the company by increasing its cash flow.

Before I joined Craig International, I progressed from being an accounts assistant to an accountant, senior accountant, and then senior account supervisor over 11 years. I worked in construction, real estate, and property and asset management.

I honed my skills in different aspects of finance, specifically in reporting and managing a team and I have put it all into action here at Craig International where I feel very much appreciated and valued.

Give a brief description of your role/the work you do:

I am the credit control and accounting supervisor which means overseeing credit control and supervising the billing and purchasing team. I also manage and collect debts from company debtors and manage bank posting and client account reconciliation. I act as the main point of contact for daily finance queries from operations.

What do you enjoy most about your job/what gives you job satisfaction:

I enjoy meeting targets and regular cash collections/payments. Being with a company that appreciates, supports, and encourages its employees adds more satisfaction to the work I do.

If you excel within the department you are working in and you are dedicated, they appreciate this and if they see that you are capable, you get the opportunity to grow. The company also recognizes limitations and respects how you are as an individual. Inclusion is recognised as important across the company.

People are moved to different areas based on their strengths. Staff at Craig International are not put in one position but are given a chance to explore other departments. Many of us are women and when it comes to inclusion and equality, we have a fair chance to improve, like anyone else.

What have been the highlights of your career at Craig so far?

I may have only been with the company for just under two years, but I’ve managed the debts of our clients in a way that no one has ever done before. I also identified areas that we need to focus on, to improve, and to spot issues that we need to address promptly.                

I have also produced a report for management to have a better view of how we are going to manage the cash flow which results in a significant impact on the company’s overall cash position.

Any challenges you’ve faced in your career and how did you overcome them?

In my previous role, my manager gave me an important task to complete a project management progress report. I had no experience with the templates, and I had to submit the report in two days. The easiest thing to do would have been to decline and let the operation team produce the report and use that for the finance and operations management meeting. Instead, I accepted the challenge. I reached out to my friends, checked online tutorials, and was able to submit the report on time. Being resourceful and open to learning new things helped me to deliver what was expected of me and overcome the challenges in the process.

What opportunities have you had through Craig International?

The company has allowed me to grow, not only in my career, but it has also paved the way for me to move/relocate to the US.

Would you recommend this as a good career choice for other women, and why?

Yes, being able to practice your passion and grow both professionally and personally, being accepted, recognised, and appreciated by everyone is truly amazing. 

How does Craig International inspire inclusion?

I think inclusion is about much more than gender and it also relates to diversity more generally. Here in Dubai, we have different ethnicities and cultures, and we are truly diverse. We celebrate different countries and religious practices. We support all aspects of the person, and the company appreciates its people and employees as well as their capabilities.

What do you like to do in your spare time?                       

I like to watch movies and to read – classics, fiction, crime fiction, mystery, short stories (anything).

I also like to get involved in volunteering and community activities – blood donation, beach/desert clean-up drives, Dubai Run, Diabetes walk, etc.